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Psychotherapy for adults in Munich

Psychotherapy is an important resource for adults who are dealing with psychological and emotional challenges. It offers support for a wide range of problems - from anxiety and depression to relationship crises and traumatic experiences. In a large city like Munich, which is known for its high quality of life, there is a wide range of therapeutic services that are specifically tailored to the needs of adults.

This offer can be overwhelming, which is why in the following article we will discuss the basics of psychotherapy for adults, the different forms of therapy and access to therapy. As a private practice for psychotherapy under the Alternative Medicine Practitioners Act, we are also available to help you with any questions you may have about psychotherapy.

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Our range of therapies is aimed at children and young people as well as adults.


Are you suffering from stress, insecurities, school problems, behavioral problems or are you having difficulty managing your emotions? Are you overwhelmed by the challenges of everyday life, are you experiencing professional stress, relationship problems or personal crises?

For many people it is a very big challenge to face these psychological hurdles. If you are looking for support, it means that the first step has been taken and you are already in the process of finding a solution to your problems.

Do not hesitate to contact us. Our experienced team of therapists is at your side.

Our work is characterized by warmth, appreciative interaction, goal orientation and scientific foundation.

For the greatest possible flexibility, we are of course also happy to offer appointments for young people and adults online!

With children, personal contact is important for a good therapeutic relationship We work with the youngest children exclusively on site in order to best take their individual needs into account.

Group therapy "Self-esteem"

Taking the step into psychotherapy often means facing issues that you would rather avoid and dealing with your own insecurities. Low self-esteem prevents you from standing up for yourself, developing your potential and breaking the cycle of negative experiences.

Working on your own self-esteem means getting to know yourself anew, challenging yourself, showing yourself. While this can also be achieved in individual therapy, exchanging ideas with others offers immense opportunities for growth and development.

In our new group therapy concept on the topic of self-esteem, we offer you a safe and supportive space for this learning experience. In addition to learning elements that help you to better understand your insecurities, the aim is to rediscover your own strengths through experience and to try out self-confident but flexible behavior.

  • from 16.09.2024 to 04.11.2024

  • weekly Mondays at 17:00

  • eight units of 100 minutes each

  • Costs: 360€ for the entire group therapy

Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie (TP)

  • konzentriert sich auf das Verständnis und die Bearbeitung unbewusster Konflikte und ihre Auswirkungen auf das gegenwärtige Leben

  • besonders geeignet für tiefgreifende und lang anhaltende Probleme

Verhaltenstherapie (VT)

  • fokussiert auf das Erlernen neuer Verhaltensweisen und den Abbau negativer Denkmuster

  • besonders effektiv bei der Behandlung von Angststörungen, Depressionen und Zwangsstörungen

Systemische Therapie

  • betrachtet PatientInnen im Kontext der sozialen Beziehungen und Dynamiken

  • hilfreich bei familiären und partnerschaftlichen Konflikten, fördert ein besseres Verständnis und eine bessere Kommunikation innerhalb des Systems


  • Aufbau einer vertrauensvollen Beziehung zwischen PsychotherapeutInnen und PatientInnen im Mittelpunkt

  • durch offene und ehrliche Gespräche können Selbstreflexion und Selbstverwirklichung gefördert werden


  • intensive Langzeittherapie, erfordert regelmäßige Sitzungen

  • zielt darauf ab, tief in die Psyche der PatientInnen einzutauchen, um unbewusste Gedanken und Gefühle zu entdecken und zu verstehen

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Our range of therapies is aimed at children and young people as well as adults.


Are you suffering from stress, insecurities, school problems, behavioral problems or are you having difficulty managing your emotions? Are you overwhelmed by the challenges of everyday life, are you experiencing professional stress, relationship problems or personal crises?

For many people it is a very big challenge to face these psychological hurdles. If you are looking for support, it means that the first step has been taken and you are already in the process of finding a solution to your problems.

Do not hesitate to contact us. Our experienced team of therapists is at your side.

Our work is characterized by warmth, appreciative interaction, goal orientation and scientific foundation.

For the greatest possible flexibility, we are of course also happy to offer appointments for young people and adults online!

With children, personal contact is important for a good therapeutic relationship We work with the youngest children exclusively on site in order to best take their individual needs into account.

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